Welcome to Web Spinners

In 1996, along with Keith Hansen, Derek Eberle, and Raymond Grant, I began the process of starting what would eventually become Web Spinners at The University of West Florida. After a year long founding process, Web Spinners (or more properly "Web Server Development Organization") became a registered student organization at the University of West Florida in April 1997, becoming a division of what was then called Student Activities in December 1997. During that transition, the organization was named "Web Spinners" to better identify what was being worked on.

By the time I switched to a largely advisory role in late 2000, Keith, Derek, Raymond, and myself had successfully transitioned from a 12-member unofficial organization to a division of Student Activities with over 200 members working on nearly 60 projects. During its near 20-year run, Web Spinners helped countless students learn web design and development, donated thousands of hours via both on-campus and off-campus projects, and continues to have an impact today via projects that were spun out as members graduated.

This domain is kept largely for historical purposes, as the organizations that were using it (including an attempt to take Web Spinners national) are all dormant or disbanded.